Charlotte Douglas Airport Airline Information
Charlotte Airport Airline - Terminal
The following links and phone numbers are based on the
most current information available.
confirm the concourse and gate with your airline.
American Airlines - 800-433-7300 - A
American Eagle - 800-433-7300 - A
Delta - 800-221-1212 - A
Insel Air - 866-794-6049 - D
JetBlue - 800-539-2583 - D
Lufthansa - 800-399-5838 - D
United Airlines - 800-241-6522 - A
US Airways - 800-428-4322 - B C D
US Airways Express - 800-428-4322 - E
Additional contact information for each airline operating out of Charlotte Airport can be found on their respective website.
For flight and arrival information click here
Incase of flight delays or flight cancellation please contact the respective airline.
Charlotte Douglas Airport Terminal Map
Charlotte Douglas International Airport has got one terminal with five concourses totaling more than 1.7 million sq. ft.
Concourse A - 12 gates
Concourse B - 16 gates
Concourse C - 18 gates
Concourse D - 13 gates
Concourse E - 36 gates